video (English / Korean subtitles)

Randonneurs are long-distance unsupported endurance cyclists who cover distances between 200km and 1200km and beyond. Randonneuring has its roots in France and every four years in August Randonneurs from around the globe gather in this country to participate in the 1200km event Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP). The Korea Randonneurs were established in 2009 and the first Brevets were held in 2010 (BICYCLELIFE article). All Korea Randonneurs Brevets have been sanctioned by Audax Club Parisien (ACP 601000) and can be used to qualify for PBP. Check out our permanent new web site.

랜 도너스 (Randonneurs) 는 200km 에서 1200km 사이의 장거리를 다른 사람의 도움 없이 오직 자신의 인내로 자전거를 타는 사람들을 의미합니다. 랜도링 (Randonneuring) 은 프랑스에서 기원되었고 매년 8월에 개최하는 파리-브레스트-파리 (PBP) 1200km 구간에 참여하기 위해 세계 곳곳에 있는 많은 랜도너스들이 이곳으로 모였으며 이 대회는 4년 동안 개최되었습니다. 한국랜도너스는 2009 년에 설립되었으며 첫 Brevets은 2010 년에 개최되었습니다 (BICYCLELIFE). 한국에서의 모든 랜도너스 싸 이클링은 Audax Club Parisien 에 의해 승인되었음 (ACP 601000).
Check out our permanent new web site.

Lothar Hennighausen (헤닉하우즌 로타)

Jan Boonstra

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busan-Gwangju-Busan (Gwangju-Busan-Gwangju)

Choi Tae-Young Super Randonneur
Ride report - pictures Russell - Jason -
One week after the Typhoon Sanba wrecked havoc a new edition of BGB and GBG was held. On September 22 seven riders mounted their bikes at Han's bike shop at 06:00 and headed east to the port city of Busan. At exactly the same time three riders took off from Busan and headed west to Gwangju. This time the weather cooperated and Randonneurs enjoyed cycling through Jeolla. Also rain showers had been forecasted for Sunday, the day turned out to be sunny with perfect riding temperature. The aftermath of Typhoon Sanba caused some challenges as the Nakdong River had carried high water and some roads and most of the bike trails along the river, had been flooded and thus leaving plenty of mud behind. A section of the trail along the Nakdong river was closed and this caused twice a detour of 7 km. Making things worse, the detour was leading over a mountain and this resulted in two times 250 m extra climbing meters. Nevertheless, everybody made it within the 40-hours limit, except one rider who had to stop after 235 km due to physical problems.

Results of the two 600K Brevets (September 15 and 22, 2012):

GBG: 12 starters, 11 finishers:
# 3   Russell Morris
# 44  Han Chul-woo
# 49  Han Soon-kwon
# 148 Kim Young-sam
# 159 Hong Kee-pyo
# 259 Gwak Dong-won
# 320 Jason Ham
# 410 Choi Dong-chul
# 427 Lee Kyu-won
# 456 Kim Min-soo  (Super Randonneur award)
# 464 Goon Koch

BGB: 6 starters, 3 finishers:
# 9   Choi Wu-yeong
# 327 Choi Tae-young (Super Randonneur award)
# 463 Cheon Jae-ik

Friday, September 14, 2012

Typhoon Sanba catches up with Korea Randonneurs

CHOI Wu Yeong at the Busan finish
Despite a fast approaching Typhoon, a few hardy Korea Randonneurs decided to defy mother nature and ride the 600K Brevets (GBG and BGB) on September 15. Six riders started from Gwangju and three from Busan. At the start riders in Busan faced heavy rain but as the day progressed the skies cleared. As night approached the flood gates opened and heavy downpour challenged Randonneurs. Goon Koch (R in the picture with our very own Russell Morris), an American visiting Korea, who had started in Gwangju, was the first to arrive at the half way point in Busan. After another night of pouring rain and several crashes 5 riders finished this epic 600K Brevet within the 40 hour time limit. Four of the riders were our friends from TEAM BOODOO.
BGB: Choi Wu-yeong. GBG: Kim Young-sam (member of the
Goon Koch at the Busan half way point
infamous 2012 Cheonan fleche team), Hong Ki-pyo, Gwak Dong-won, Goon Koch.